You Are My Sunshine...

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Boys Are All Right!

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The Boys Are All Right!

Nico, Thunder, Benny...
Happy Holidays to All

Yes that was  a photo--shopped image.  Here's the original: 

I photo-shopped it to get something  a little more seasonal for our holiday greetings. The three dogs lie quite happily together in our basement without fussing. To get them to stay still long enough for a photo in the yard however so far has proven challenging. I am happy to admit that this is mostly a function of the cold and the wind and my reluctance to stand out there without gloves on trying to get a snowy picture, and not anything to do with the dogs themselves.  They are getting along, all three of them, quite famously now, Nico and Benny spending long hours in the yard together, Thunder enjoying extended time on the sofa in front of the fire as he is released from extended playground duty.

Yes, my boys are doing all right, maybe even a little better than all right!  Joy, happiness, delight to you all in 2011.


  1. Sent from Molly by e with permission to post:

    Words fail me. That's the best photo ever -- mazel tov, and happy holidays!


  2. They are SO much beautiful to see all together!!! You have a beautiful pack!!!! :-)
